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The BBDT Directory will serve as a platform that consists of highly trained, culturally competent, experienced Black, Brown and Latinx mental health providers in the State of Delaware.

A place to find a provider that looks like you

Join The
Delaware Therapists Tribe

One of the determinants of success in therapy is the connection between the client and the therapist. Having a mental health provider that looks like you helps aid in the therapeutic process, decreases misunderstandings and mistrust.

Lack of representation in the mental health field serves as a barrier to treatment and that is why the BBDT Directory has been created to help overcome that hurdle.


Be Found Online

Once your profile is verified, you and/or your practice will be listed on Black Brown Delaware Therapists and available to search engines, increasing your practices visibility to new clients.

Support Your Community

Get in touch with an untapped market here in the State of Delaware.


Black Brown Delaware Therapists will have an opportunity to network with other professionals and agencies in the State of Delaware.


  • First month Free
  • Cancel at anytime
  • Market and Brand your Niche & Expertise
  • Market your Private Practice to let other agencies, organizations & people know that you exist
  • Connect and Network with other mental health professionals in the state
  • Show that “We” exist by being in a centralized location
  • Be noticed for speaking engagements


Per Month


  • Over $70 in savings!
  • Save 3 months listing
  • Market and Brand your Niche & Expertise
  • Market your Private Practice to let other agencies, organizations & people know that you exist
  • Connect and Network with other mental health professionals in the state
  • Show that “We” exist by being in a centralized location
  • Be noticed for speaking engagements


Per Year